An unframed literary work of art featuring artwork by Katherine Roundtree and poetry by Shahidah. The image on this art print depicts a Black Jesus as he walks on water. It also contains the following poem by Shahdiah that was inspired by this event that was recorded in the Holy Bible.
And He Walked on Water
with faith strong and secure...
give us strength to follow Thee,
teach us to fear no more.
Help us to remember
the great things that You did...
How You fed a multitude
with two fish and some bread.
How You called for Lazarus,
and he got up from the grave...
How You opened up the seas
and all the lives You Saved.
How You healed the sick.
How You fed the poor...
How You told the sinful women
to go and sin no more.
All the greatness that You did,
the great faith that You showed...
How You walked upon the water,
as if it were a road.
So give us faith Dear Savior
and help us all to stand...
The seas of troubled waters
please protect us with Thy hand.